
Inspiration, community, and education from Birdsong.

The Hidden Postpartum

This is our ideal definition of postpartum. 

When we invite all postpartum folks to share their voices our table gets so big and those voices get so much louder which is what we need to get our world to #showupforpostpartum

After miscarriage is postpartum

After loss is postpartum

After abortion is postpartum

At any point.

These are The Hidden Postpartum. 

Not having these times acknowledged as postpartum is furthering erasure of their existence. And it is holding our communities back from the healing that we each deserve. 

These thresholds need everything we share with folks who birth babies. They need nourishment, physical healing, space held, gatekeeping, rest, nurturing touch, postpartum intimacy, acknowledgement, available joy, resources, kin keeping and community.

They need meal trains, and days off of work, they need porch drop offs and check-ins every year around the anniversary of the event. They need body work and nourishing herbal infusions. They need hidden notes to remind them they matter.  They need to know we see them, that we care and that we are not going anywhere. They need us to show up and then to show up again. They need to know if they never intend to have a baby that they are still so deserving of all the healing and support that is given to those who do. 

So why are we still collectively acting like we don’t know how to care for these people? Why are we still looking the other way?

Grief skills are postpartum skills. Learn them. Hold them. Share them.


Erica Livingston